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Thankful Thursday #38: a drugged-up Dad ;)

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I’m glad I made a thanksgiving resolution to find something to be thankful for every day because it makes even the hardest days a little easier.  I am under more stress now than I have been since I went into hiding to leave a cult in 2001.  I have developed an eye twitch for the first time in my life and my monthly cycles have gone wonky on me.  But I don’t feel crazy, or desperate, or depressed, because at the end of each day, despite some of them being very bad days, there is always many things to be thankful for.  And it helps me have a happy and content heart in the face of the stresses of life.  Anyway, with that said, let’s get on to what I’m thankful for this week!

Thursday: The buy one, get one for a penny special McDonalds was having on Big Macs.  I think this is the first Big Mac I’ve had in the last fifteen years.  I don’t like to waste calories on an extra (and unnecessary, IMHO) piece of bread, but I have to admit the Big Mac is pretty tasty.

Friday: In an effort to improve my keying accuracy at work, I’ve begun listening to more music than audiobooks because it doesn’t take as much attention.  I was feeling very human and imperfect because of a mistake I made that might cost me my job (my supervisor gave me the impression she was going to let me complete my probation before making a decision), and Pink made me feel a little better.  Since most of you have probably heard the original, I want to share this cover that I fell in love with (mostly for Julia, my new voice crush, but Jake compliments her well

Saturday:  Lunch with a friend that we were missing.

Sunday: A home-cooked meal.  I now work until late in the evening and usually zap a burrito or something equally pathetic in the microwave when I get home, but today a home-cooked meal was waiting for me.  I missed a friend’s birthday party since I had to work, and Dennis brought me home a ton of the delicious food served there, including smoked turkey, ribs, barbecue beans, cabbage and bacon, sweet potatoes and peach cobbler.  What a nice change of pace from the cheese and crackers I had planned!

Monday:  The avenue of prayer God has given us to reach out to him, and for the comfort only He can give.

Tuesday: My diabetes doctor gave me a thumbs up at my quarterly check-up for the control I’ve been keeping over my blood sugar and health.  Although he did tell me to watch my weight, because I’m up 4 pounds since the last visit.  Um, I’m up more than that b/c I actually lost four pounds since then, and then regained it plus four more!  I quit Weight Watchers due to finances but should be able to afford it again soon since I got a raise. :)

Controlled with no complications! :)

Controlled with no complications! :)

Wednesday: Praise the Lord, my father’s doctor and I were able to convince him to go back on his meds!  He had a stroke in 2008 and I have helped with his health care and finances ever since and two months ago, he went off his meds and I couldn’t get him back on them.  Well, he had his three month check-up which showed elevated blood pressure and cholesterol.  Working together, me asking questions and addressing the concerns my father had about the medication, the doctor and I were able to convince him to a return to a (reduced) medicine regimen to prevent future health problems.  He is not happy about it, but he’s able to acknowledge that not taking it is more harmful to him than taking it.  This has been such a source of stress for me because I’m not ready to lose my Dad, and is a great relief that he’s willing to take his medication again.

About Veronica

I have a kitchen addiction and love to collect & share recipes. My passion is baking but I love to cook as well. The only thing I don't like to do in the kitchen is wash dishes, but my husband generally does them for me in exchange for his dinner.

11 responses »

  1. Hi Veronica! I am so glad your dad came to his senses! Taking the meds is important. Girl, take life one day at a time. Just remember the good Lord will only put on your shoulders on what you can handle. It makes us stronger as an individual. This is so weird that you mentioned eye twitching! My right eye was doing this all day yesterday. It’s just stress, and I know this. Great post! Keep smiling, tomorrow will be an even better day :)


  2. Your dad sounds as stubborn as mine! We’ve had to convince mine to do things for his own good that he really didn’t want to.

    Hope you are able to keep your job!! Pink will certainly help! I’ll have to go listen to that!


  3. Goodfor dad.I knowyou worry so much about him. How is his garden? I am thankful that you fixed my flour mistake on my peach pie…. i am telling you. Kids can drive you batty sometimes, LOL!


  4. My space bar stinks…


  5. I’m glad your Dad is back on his meds and that your diabetes is under control! Hope things go well at work for you :)


  6. Oh man, I’m sorry about your mistake at work. I made a pretty dang big one about a year ago and I thought the world was going to come to an end. I think I cried for probably 2 days. The thing is, we had an important client visit the very next day, so I really had to pull it together between bouts of tears. I hope everything works out well with your situation–making mistakes is only human, but it feels so bad. =(
    I’m glad you’re making that effort to stay in a place of contentment. Hang in there, girl! God won’t give you more than you can handle. There’s this great verse, can’t remember where, but it says something to the effect of “God has given you everything you need for life and godliness.” He’ll come through for you every time!


  7. I’m enjoying your blog, Veronica! Sorry about all the stress. I wonder if you would like TOPS (take off weight sensibly) as an alternative to WW. It’s much cheaper. I went about five years ago, and it helped keep me accountable as long as I went. I could follow any program…just a thought.


  8. I should think like you do! There are so many things to be thankful for and it can be hard to remember it in this crazy life. So happy that your dad will be back on his meds!


  9. Hooray for being a controlled diabetic! I can’t tell you how many people I know who have diabetes and don’t do anything about it. While it is a pain in the ass, it is a controllable disease!



  10. Pingback: Thankful Thursdays #47 « Veronica's Cornucopia

  11. Pingback: Thankful Thursday #100: A Cookies Giveaway! « Veronica's Cornucopia

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